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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 12 Sex Gelding Color Bay
Sire Big Brown Dam Meriwether Sire of Dam Catbird Same Sire
Trainer NA Owner Lai Chan Cheong Same Owner
Retired Date   2018-05-21
Pre-import Oversea Name WUDANG MOUNTAIN
Record Summary
Current Rating 60 Season Stakes Won $88,950 Sum to 2018-05-04
Season Records:
0-0-0-5 Season Sand Records:
0-0-0-0 Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
0-0-1-10 All Seasons Sand Records:
0-0-0-1 All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2017/2018 Season
2018-05-19 1500T 1202 70-50 (62) 120 KHY/PL PBT/RB/XNB 8 12-7-12-12/14 14-1/2 1:27.4 1:29.7 GO READY FIRE LUEN ON TREASURE ROYAL GARDEN17
1250m threw head up shifted out, vet no abnorm
2018-05-04 1200T 8 1197 70-50 (64) 124 LC /PL PBT/RB/XNB 6 9-9-6/12 4-1/4 1:12.3 1:13.0 YS GOLDEN THUMB CHROMIUM ALLOY VALIANT SOLDIER8
Freshened 4 weeks.
2018-04-01 1200T 1191 70-50 (66) 124 BY /PL PBT/RB/XNB 11 10-10-7/14 5 1:08.8 1:09.6 GO WINTER SNOW GOLDEN THUMB MISSION GDRAGON99
2018-03-10 1200T 4 1190 70-50 (68) 126 LC /PL PBT/RB/XNB 5 9-8-7/13 5-1/4 1:09.4 1:10.3 GY GOLDEN THUMB TUHAO POWER CAPITAL PROTECTOR5
vet exam no abnorm
Spell 24 weeks.
2017-09-23 1200T 1204 85-60 (70) 119 CYM/PL PBT/RB/XNB 6 11-13-5/13 3-3/4 1:11.6 1:12.3 YS YANG JIANG HERO CALIFORNIATREASURE WINTER SNOW33
no early speed, 100m shifted in when struck with whip
Spell 18 weeks.
 2016/2017 Season
2017-05-20 1800T 1224 4YO (71) 126 LC /JL PBT/RB/XNB 5 3-11-11-11-11/14 37-1/4 1:50.3 1:56.4 YI SACRED MAN KRYSTRUMP THE MOON'S BACK52
crowded shortly after start, near winning post 1st occassion severely checked when 8 broke down
Freshened 4 weeks.
2017-04-22 1500T 1231 O (72) 126 WLH/JL PB/T/RB/XN 7 5-6-7-5-10/13 17-1/4 1:35.3 1:38.3 SO RIVER TREASURE CALIFORNIATREASURE ECLAIR JOURNEY9
From the 500 metres until the 400 metres was held up and unable to improve.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2017-03-25 1500T 8 1235 95-70 (71) 116 WLH/JL PB1/SW-/T/ 7 9-9-9-3/10 3-1/4 1:29.2 1:29.7 GY ROCK N ROLLA LUCKY WINSTON 6
Was held up rounding the home turn and on entering the home straight was disappointed for a run.
2017-03-11 1500T 1231 O (72) 126 WLH/JL P/SW/T/RB/ 9 8-9-9-7/10 6-1/4 1:29.1 1:30.2 YI WICHITA LINESMAN CHOK KING ECLAIR JOURNEY21
2017-02-24 1510S 1234 70+ (73) 116 WLH/JL P/SW/T/RB 6 4-5-9-8/9 23-1/2 1:33.7 1:37.8 NW OBRIGADO MAIS BEST OF LUCK PAK LOK ANGEL3
Raced wide without cover until near the 600 metres. Jockey questioned RE performance - Refer full report. Barrier trial req'd.
2017-02-12 1200T 1223 95-70 (73) 116 WLH/JL P/SW/T/RB 10 6-6-4/14 2-1/2 1:08.7 1:09.1 GO MISTER KAOPU FELIZMASTER HUKA EAGLE2
Raced wide rounding the home turn.


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
08-06 RAND BM78 1200 5 9 131 1:14.7 H -9.5 AUS 85000 2000
04-23 RHIL 3Y BM75 1200 7 7 135 1:10.5 G -10.1 AUS 85000 1000
01-02 RHIL BM76 1400 2 9 128 1:23.3 G -2 AUS 85000 16750
12-19 RHIL BM76 1350 2 12 125 1:20.8 G -1.3 AUS 85000 16750
12-05 RAND BM78 1200 6 14 123 1:10.7 G -2.3 AUS 85000 1000
10-24 RAND 3Y BM72 1400 7 8 136 1:24.4 S -7.9 AUS 85000 1000
10-03 RAND DULCIFY List 1600 2 7 128 1:36.0 G -2.5 AUS 100000 20000
09-18 NCLE SPRING STK 1600 4 7 125 1:37.4 G -1.1 AUS 126600 6250
08-29 RHIL 3Y BM72 1400 1 7 124 1:25.0 S 0.5 AUS 85000 68750
08-01 RHIL 3Y SWP 1400 4 9 124 1:25.9 S -3.2 AUS 85000 4150
07-22 W FM 2Y MDN-SW 1300 1 7 126 1:21.3 H 0.2 AUS 40000 33025
04-01 RHIL 2Y NMW 1200 4 12 125 1:12.2 H -4.1 AUS 40000 1885

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