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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 9 Sex Gelding Color Bay
Sire Sizzling Dam Miss Judged Sire of Dam Volksraad Same Sire
Trainer C.W.Choi Owner Lam Ping Ki,Lee Kwok Wai & Tang Chung Wai Same Owner
Retired Date   2021-03-22
Pre-import Oversea Name SIZZLED
Record Summary
Current Rating 52 Season Stakes Won $108,030 Sum to 2021-01-16
Season Records:
0-1-2-1 Season Sand Records:
0-1-2-1 Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
0-1-2-7 All Seasons Sand Records:
0-1-2-2 All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2020/2021 Season
2021-01-16 1350S 1158 55-30 (52) 130 FHE/CWC PBT/RB 7 4-7-6-4/10 2 1:23.1 1:23.4 NW BRING ME POWER HARVEST YEAR AKELI SWORD3
Shortly after the start bumped with 2 Harvest Year. Was inclined to lay in under pressure in the early stages of the home straight and near the 200 metres was disappointed for a run between 2 Harvest Year and 6 Akeli Sword which shifted in.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2020-12-18 1050S 1184 60-35 (52) 125 FHE/CWC PB/T/RB 6 9-6-3/9 3-3/4 1:02.8 1:03.4 NW HOSTWIN POSEIDON LUCKY GOLD 12
At the start was bumped by 1 Thehorseiswithme which had jumped awkwardly and shifted in.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2020-11-20 1350S 1169 55-30 (52) 131 KHY/CWC PB1T/RB 4 7-4-4-3/11 3-3/4 1:21.2 1:21.8 NW HOSTWIN AURORA COLLATERAL MISSION 7
Leaving the 100 metres was bumped by 9 Harvest Year which shifted in under pressure.
2020-10-30 1350S 1177 60-35 (50) 130 KHY/CWC PB1/V-/RB 5 5-4-5-2/8 1 1:22.5 1:22.7 NW DESTNEY ASHKARI31
Knuckled on jumping away. Leaving the 500 metres was inclined to hang out.
Spell 26 weeks.
 2019/2020 Season
2020-04-25 1200T 4 1184 55-30 (55) 133 CFC/WSH V/RB 4 8-8-8/12 8-3/4 1:10.6 1:12.1 YI GOLDEN KEY MASTER OF MARS STAR OF CITY GOLD19
Was slow to begin. Cast its left hind plate during the run.
2020-04-18 1200T 1190 60-40 (57) 130 DBS/WSH V/RB 5 13-12-8/14 3-1/4 1:08.9 1:09.5 GF HEARTGOODALLWELL RIVALRY YOU AND YOU ALONE52
Re interference at start see full report. Near 200m had some difficulty in obtaining clear running and leaving the 150 metres had to be shifted out around the heels of 6 Roaring Fans to obtain clear r


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
03-01 IPSW CG&E CL1 1350 6 7 128 1:22.6 S -3 AUS 21000 400
02-15 IPSW CL1-SW 1350 4 8 128 1:22.4 G -4.8 AUS 21000 1000
01-19 K GR CL1 1500 4 10 124 1:30.4 G -3.3 AUS 35000 1980
12-31 GOSF CL1 1600 6 7 127 1:35.9 G -4.89 AUS 35000 1100
12-19 WYNG BM70 1350 3 11 120 1:19.5 G -2.92 AUS 35000 3200
12-02 NCLE MDN-SW 1300 1 9 127 1:18.9 G 0.84 AUS 35000 22365
08-03 GOUL MDN 1300 2 9 125 1:17.3 G -2.33 AUS 20000 3740
07-21 K GR MDN-SW 1200 3 8 124 1:11.4 G -0.4 AUS 30000 2920
07-07 NCLE 2Y MDN-SW 1200 4 9 125 1:12.9 G -3.78 AUS 30000 1380

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