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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 7 Sex Gelding Color Brown
Sire Holy Roman Emperor Dam Provocateur Sire of Dam Same Sire
Trainer S.H.Cheong Owner Mok Shing Fung Same Owner
Retired Date   2022-05-29
Pre-import Oversea Name POLITICALINFLUENCE
Record Summary
Current Rating 50 Season Stakes Won $229,350 Sum to 2022-05-08
Season Records:
Season Sand Records:
Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
All Seasons Sand Records:
All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2021/2022 Season
2022-05-27 1510S 1053 60-35 (52) 125 KHY/CHS PBHT/RB 7 1-1-1-5/7 8 1:33.5 1:34.9 RA MODENA BEST MASTER HUNTER STILL BE FRIENDS6
2022-05-08 1350S 1050 60-35 (51) 124 KHY/CHS PBHT/RB 5 1-3-3-3/12 1-1/4 1:23.0 1:23.2 NW EVERLASTING PRAISE TREASURELAKEBUDDY 47
Raced wide without cover throughout.
Freshened 5 weeks.
2022-04-02 1800T 1051 55-25 (53) 128 KHY/CHS PBH/RB 6 5-5-5-11-11/11 41-3/4 1:52.7 1:59.5 YI FORTUNE WAI WAI OCEAN WARRIOR STAR OF PHOENIX53
Shortly after the start bumped with 7 Ocean Warrior. Raced fiercely in the early stages.
2022-03-11 1350S 1033 55-30 (55) 133 KHY/CHS PBH/RB 5 6-6-6-9/10 18-1/2 1:24.3 1:27.5 NW SCULLING BROTHERS WHO FANCIES YOU SHOOTING TO PINS5
Was inclined to lay in throughout and near the 650 metres lost ground when making the turn awkward.
2022-02-26 1510S 1061 70-45 (56) 117 XCL/CHS PBH/RB 5 4-3-8-9/9 32-1/2 1:34.4 1:40.0 NW SHENGTONG TREASURE MILITARY STRONGMAN FORTUNE PARADISE11
Near 1150m brushed by 6 Tuhao Choice which shifted out.Layed in back straight & near 800m bumped 6 Tuhao Choice on number of occasions.Beaten in excess of 32 lengths - must Barrier Trial before racing.
2022-02-11 1510S 1067 60-35 (55) 130 LC /CHS PBH/RB 7 4-3-4-2/9 5-1/2 1:36.0 1:37.0 NW CHEERS BROTHERS HOT SPRING PROJECT2
Near the 950 metres brushed with 9 Ventures Elite.
2022-01-28 1350S 1064 55-30 (48) 127 LC /CHS PBH/RB 3 5-3-4-1/9 SH 1:22.9 1:22.9 NW SCULLING BROTHERS FARMER'S VOICE3
2022-01-15 1500T 4 1066 55-30 (50) 128 XCL/CHS PBH/RB 9 4-2-5-9/9 17-3/4 1:28.8 1:31.5 GO CHAK CHAK AEROPORT VENTURES ELITE2
Raced wide without cover for the majority.
2022-01-07 1510S 1064 55-30 (49) 127 KHY/CHS PBH/RB 8 1-1-1-3/8 1/2 1:33.8 1:33.9 NW AKELI SWORD UNFORGETTABLE 4
Freshened 4 weeks.
2021-12-10 1350S 1059 55-30 (51) 130 KHY/CHS PB/H/RB 6 8-4-3-5/10 5-1/4 1:22.4 1:23.3 NW DESI PRINCE AKELI SWORD COLLATERAL MISSION99
Near the 1300 metres shifted in and then had to be steadied away from the heels of 5 Collateral Mission which at the same time shifted out slightly.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2021-11-12 1050S 1044 60-35 (52) 125 WHL/CHS PB/H/RB 7 10-10-10/11 9-3/4 1:04.5 1:06.1 NW PINK MARQUISE FOXY ROCKET GOLDEN ROSE15
Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with the inside barrier partition.


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
04-13 MORN MDN-SW 1500 5 8 130 1:34.2 S -4.95 AUS 35000 1050
03-30 MORN MDN-SW 1500 2 11 130 1:33.6 G -5 AUS 35000 6300
02-25 PAKM MDN-SW 1600 4 9 130 1:39.1 G -1.3 AUS 35000 1750
02-11 PAKM MDN-SW 1600 10 11 130 1:38.8 G -15.35 AUS 35000 700
01-27 GEEL MDN-SW 1509 4 11 128 1:33.7 G -1.1 AUS 35000 1750
01-14 PAKM MDN-SW 1400 9 12 128 1:26.3 G -4.9 AUS 35000 700
09-09 SANH 3Y MDN-SW 1600 8 8 128 1:40.0 G -4.15 AUS 35000 700
08-25 BRTS MDN-SW 1500 4 10 126 1:32.0 SYN -0.95 AUS 23000 1035
08-13 SALE MDN-SW 1611 8 14 126 1:41.7 H -10.45 AUS 35000 700
07-30 BRTS MDN-SW 1500 2 9 126 1:32.4 SYN -0.75 AUS 31500 5670
07-21 PAKS MDN-SW 1400 6 12 126 1:26.7 SYN -4.95 AUS 20700 517
06-30 BRTS 2Y MDN-SW 1200 6 7 128 1:14.5 SYN -4.25 AUS 20700 517

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